Thursday, February 28, 2008

My House is Cursed... literally

In this house of cabinets falling of the wall, leaks, broken light fixtures, and myriad other problems, I sometimes feel like I'm going crazy. But tonight takes the cake. Tonight a series of events so odd and creepy happened that I'm completely beside myself.

There is an old doorbell installed high up above the front door with no accompanying button and it has been going off at random over the past two days. I suspect this has something to do with dying batteries because the tones are distorted and really pretty creepy, enough that when I'm home alone and it goes off I get really freaked out.

I got home not too long ago, did a little yoga, took a shower, & came down to make dinner. Standing in the kitchen I hear this scratching noise & I look up to see a goddamn bird sitting on our ceiling fan!!!!! Where this bird came from, I do not know. How it got into my kitchen & onto my ceiling fan I do not know. I'm not a big fan of birds, I saw the movie The Birds as a child and large groups of birds with their pointy beaks make me uneasy. Trying to ignore that fact, I went to the closet & got out a broom, opened our back door and a window and proceeded to spin in circles staring up at the ceiling, waving a broom around my head trying to shoo the stupid thing towards the door. Of course the bird does not realize that it has two ways to freedom and just flies around the ceiling, landing on the cabinets & back on the ceiling fan and, at one point, trying to escape through the little hole in the plaster in the corner. Finally, it landed on the cabinet next to the open window & I waited patiently for it to hop on out of the window, which it finally did. Oh, and my point with the doorbell is that as I'm swatting & spinning & cursing at this bird, the doorbell just keeps going off again and again and again and again.

I called my roommate who called me back shortly after it finally left and we're wondering if we have poltergeist because that whole sequence was really quite disturbing. But what I don't understand is why we've never had this kind of blatantly weird stuff happen before, we've lived here for over a year now so I'm not so sure about the poltergeist. But I might just go beat the living hell out of that doorbell right now!


Anonymous said...

The image of you trying to scare off a bird with a broom while a creepy doorbell is going off in the background is priceless. Thanks for the laugh.

P.S. I found your blog!

banjotan said...

Yikes! That's so bizarre and unsettling! And yeah, kind of hilarious, too... What kind of bird was it?