Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Pictures & Videos

Awhile back I finally got a bunch of videos uploaded to YouTube so I thought I would share. I think the only non-camp video I’ve uploaded so far is my friend’s dad playing his guitar and singing Nicaragua Nicaragüita which really should be the national anthem. This is quintessential Nicaraguan music.

The summer camp stuff includes the boys dancing to Soulja Boy and my little reggaeton ballet from the talent show (the only time I can remember falling during a performance is captured on that video, but I recovered so it’s all good). There are two videos from the digital scavenger hunt in Granada, one where the boys interview a guy and then sing him a song. In the other one they’re birds. There are also several from the advanced English class, which I didn’t take and actually don’t really know what’s on them! One. Two. Three. Four. Lastly, there are just a couple random ones, goofing around on the bus and singing one day before going to lunch.

And now, some pictures from the past couple weeks:

At the end of February I was official photographer for my friend Maria’s niece’s 7th birthday party. Here’s Nataly, the birthday girl, swinging at the piñata:

And blowing out the candles on her cake:

Last weekend I went to watch my friend Lesbia dance folklore dance at the inauguration of a public works project. Here she is in her pretty dress:

This week the Ministry of Health (MINSA) came and fumigated my house. This is part of the work they do to prevent malaria & dengue, going house to house fumigating every so often. They also go house to house distributing this powder called abate (ah-bah-tay) to put in standing water to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. This is the first time they fumigated my house, it looked really creepy:

Since I’m talking about MINSA, I finally got the money for the HIV/AIDs project I’ve been planning with the health center since forever! Yay! We’re going to train 30 youth health promoters on the topics of HIV/AIDs and STDs in general, as well as self-esteem and gender issues and then they’ll go give little presentations at their schools. And we’re going to print some informational pamphlets on the same topics. I just bought a bunch of materials for the trainings which will be in April. I’m really glad this is finally coming together!

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