In other exciting news, Nicaragua's phone system is overloaded so today all cell phones add an 8 to the front end and all land lines add a 2. Some volunteers have mentioned that maybe this will mean it'll be easier for international calls to get through, I guess we'll see.
Yeah, I don't have a theme for this week's post.
I've received a couple inquiries about a photo from my last post where I'm holding hands with a person of the male persuasion. In my tunnel vision I didn't consider the fact that not everyone in the world knows that that's my gay friend Moises and not my latin lover. Sorry!
Moment of the week: On Sunday I went with some friends to a river outside of town, in order to get to the farm and intended river we had to cross another river- as in drive through the river, not cross a bridge. (I guess I really shouldn't complain too much about my lack of water because just outside of town there are lots of people who have to haul their laundry down to the river to wash - though it might come to that point for me soon.) A couple guys had parked their truck in the middle of the river and were sitting in their underpants enjoying the cool water. My friend Bernd snapped a picture so I'll try to get a copy to share with you all.
That's all I've got this week, here are some pictures of a cool crab we found during Semana Santa:

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