Haha, good joke, Peace Corps, good joke! Sending me that invitation to serve in Bolivia? Classic! Calling me yesterday to let me know that you would no longer be sending a training group to Bolivia in May? Priceless! Hoo, boy, you sure do know how to pull a fast one on a girl.
I tell ya, I wish it was that funny. The official reason I was given is that there is a vote on May 4th on the new Constitution in Bolivia (which, according to my research, was actually postponed) but there are also a couple provinces that are fighting for autonomy, so their overarching concern about civil unrest is entirely possible and I was actually a little prepared for things to be canceled on me. I'm definitely not happy about it and am disappointed to not be going to Bolivia and maybe even more disappointed that I won't be doing water and sanitation work (it's unlikely, I believe). I was very excited about this assignment.
I should have more information by next Wednesday about a new invitation. I wasn't given much information on the where, when, or what front, but I have a couple clues. They'll look first for something in Latin America with the latest departure date in September, and she asked a few questions about my English teaching experience. There aren't many teaching posts in Latin America, but there are a few. I don't think another water/sanitation program is leaving in the next few months so I'm pretty sure that's completely out.
I do consider myself lucky because I spoke to my boss this morning & in the event that I have a later departure date and want to keep my job, they're happy to keep me on. And I had just posted the sublet ad for my room yesterday when I got the call so that got deleted, so I have a place to live and a job if I have to stick around for a little while longer. I already bought a flight home to Minnesota, & so did my brother, so we'll have to deal with that. Logistically, I think I'll be ok, but that's not really any consolation to having my prize ripped out of my hands. Like I said, I'm disappointed, but I'm staying positive and hoping for something that's even better than sanitation in Bolivia, even if I'm not sure what that would be right now.
More information as I get it....
Jen, I perfectly understand your disappointment. I really hope that you'll get another interesting offer soon and I'm glad to know that you can keep the job and apartment as long as you need. This way you can focus on your mission without any hurdles in DC. Wish you the best of luck, markus
Jen, do not feel bad, The situation in South America for the Americans travelers are unpredictable, this administration is doing his job to create more and more adversaries in South America than friends, I have a couple of good Bolivian families that tool me that they feel an any moment the government can be force to resign and you do not want to be there if it happens. Look for the shinny side of the opportunity, maybe Nicaragua could be your platform for a better opportunity latter on to work in your field, you can also learn how Nicaraguan’s are dealing with their water problem after the hurricane destroyed their infrastructure.
Enjoy your journey and learn the most you can because not matters where you are you always bring “optimism” to the people.
Best wishes,
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