Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I was working on a blog post this weekend but I got distracted. Therefore, I'm going to post the thing that I got distracted by which, quite frankly, is way cooler than the thing I was gonna write about anyway. So I give you: the nearly 3 hour breakdancing competition I watched Saturday afternoon....(it's a yearly event, I went in 2006 and 2007 too)

Luckily Katie was as excited as I was and didn't mind sitting on the pavement all afternoon:

We called this guy Pirate B-Boy, I hope you can see his amazing facial hair:

During the warm-ups this kid was hiiiilarious, I think he was up after every other person to practice and usually fall down:

I had a really awesome video to post but I'm getting error messages and just want to go to bed, so that'll have to wait for another time!

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